Monday, May 30, 2005
On this day:

A Matter Of Style #1

While I'm not, (unlike many I know), a hater of all things American, it's seldom that I adopt Transatlantic gramatical shorthand. But in my recent blog travels, one thing I have noticed is the use of the # sign to represent a member of a numbered sequence. It has the advantages of simplicity and visibility, so I'll be using it when I want to signify one of a series of posts.

A bit of an obsession of mine at the moment are Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). I'm on a self imposed mission to improve the layout of several websites I run - for fun not profit [you never know, I may get round to updating the look of this one eventually]. I've spent most of today (a Bank Holiday in England) playing around with the layout of the menu system, trying to produce something similar to a design that I saw the other day.

Lots of head scratching as to why the top of the menu was in different places in Firefox and IE and why both had a thin white margin at either side. Up to my elbows in a variety of books particularly HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables Using CSS". Tried various things but what eventually cure both things was:

CSS Tip #1:

body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;

In future I'll start all my stylesheets with this.